COVID-19: Our perspective on the global crisis

Words by Truman Sparks
Imagery by Black on Blue Ltd

We are living with an unseen killer - a global pandemic. At present COVID-19 has the world on lockdown. Normal doesn’t exist right now, survival mode has been dialled in and we’re all in the warzone. Alongside Supermarkets, Corner Shops, Grocery Stores and Off-Licences deemed ‘essential retailers’ by the government sits Bike Shops. It has been acknowledged that cycling has a positive role to play in this dark battle. Nothing is sacred to this virus the Monuments, the Spring Classics even the Grand Tours have been postponed or cancelled.

It’s been noted at Simpson Central that, after the herd culture madness of panic buying toilet paper, came the next fixation of purchasing Indoor Trainers - especially ‘Smart’ versions. Thus another global shortage ensued. 

The phenomenon of isolation is a killer in its own right. A life without exercise - more specifically without cycling would be unbearable. With some of the larger London parks now being closed to cyclists - social distancing issues coupled by the sport being seen as ‘too popular’ - where next for cyclists to go?

An Inward Turn
With the threat of outdoor exercising facing a total ban we have only one place to turn. The virtual reality offered by Zwift compatible Smart Trainers has given cyclists a means of riding with friends, clubs and pros alike on the roads and climbs on the world without having to leave home. A different, more insular reality, a new way to interact: the rise of the virtual cycling community is here.

Carpe Diem
In the meantime we’re maximising our daily mileage on quiet roads the early morning brings. The advantage of longer, lighter days can do nothing but lift the soul - so go make safe use of them. We are experiencing road-scapes that echo the mood of scenes from the Claude Lelouch’s seminal film ‘C'était un rendez-vous’ - a unique combination of beauty and eeriness.

Our approach
In regard to the current situation our philosophy is to follow government guidelines, make sacrifices now in order the prevent the situation from escalating further. We gauge the progress of both Spain and Italy as being an indicator of position in approximately two weeks time. Here at Simpson self isolation is firmly in place - made more manageable by access to a garden. We acknowledge the need for interaction with the great outdoors but do so with moderation.

Hand washing and social distancing are being rigorously practiced - see attached link to learn how the pros do it.

In the forthcoming days we’re going to be blogging about further issues relating to cycling, COVID-19 and things we recommend doing to stimulate and focus the mind, body and of course the importance of riding your bike in these unprecedented times.

Do feel free to drop us a line and have a virtual conversation at - remember we’re here for you.